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Silence teaches us a better, more wise way to live. We discover we are in a participatory communion with Life. We learn to trust Life, not our thoughts about Life. We learn we can never be alone, for we are always, already, who we are for being in Life with everyone, everything.
Listening, we are taught more about Love, and how amazing is this Grace that flows from the Silence, through us, to bless the world and without any thought of our receiving or needing any reward or blessing for it.
Love is Its own blessing and all blessing and Love blessing Love.
In the Silence, whatever appearances arise, we only meet Love, for Love is not an appearance.
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At least for me, to grow in embodying and sharing Love, I need frequent visits to Silence. I need a daily time, or two, to quieten and enter the sanctuary of Quiet. I, also, need this entering of Silence and sharing in Silence with others.
Yes, spring comes, grass grows And I am part of this Life happening Even as spring is, as grass is So I come and go for Life always is Would I want it any other way?
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I invite you to listen for what reply is given you from the Silence, not seeking an answer, letting it be given. If no spontaneous reply arises, that is okay, if it does, that is okay too.
Do I sense a different quality of experience of Silence when apart from being with others? Do I enter silent times enough with others? Day-to-day with myself apart? What does it mean to me to listen when in Silence? How might I invite more quietness into my life? Do I feel comfortable with nothing to do? How might I invite that respite from activity into my life more and become more comfortable with the just-being-present?
*Move cursor over photographs for photographer and title.
(C)Brian K. Wilcox, 2019. Brian can be contacted @ 77ahavah77@gmail.com .